Speaking at IACP 2022

Q: When does the Call for Presentations open for IACP 2022?
A: The IACP 2022 Call for Presentations is now closed.

Q: When will I know if my presentation has been accepted for IACP 2022?
A: The submitter will receive notification from IACP by early Summer 2022.

Q: When do presentations take place?
A: Educational programming is conducted each day, October 15-18 of IACP 2022.

Submission of a proposal is a commitment that the speakers will be available to speak on any conference day and time as assigned by IACP staff.  The IACP has limited opportunities to accommodate speaker conflicts.

Q: If accepted, how much time will I be given to present?
Workshops may range from 20 minutes to up to 75 minutes. IACP will determine the length of sessions when a conference schedule is confirmed.

Q: Can I promote any products or services during my presentation?
A: No, IACP does not allow the promotion of products and services during educational sessions. Speakers may talk about products and services that have been used to solve a problem or address the presentation topic. Whenever possible presenters should suggest alternative products and services as well. Solutions Presentation Theater workshops are available for the promotion of products and services in the Exposition Hall Sunday-Tuesday for current exhibiting companies.

Q: If my proposal is accepted, will I receive any compensation for presenting at IACP 2022?
A: IACP does not pay speakers or reimburse for travel or hotel expenses.

Q: If my proposal is accepted, will I receive complimentary registration for IACP 2022?
A: Submission of a proposal is a commitment to be a registered participant of the conference. In accordance with the IACP Constitution, registration for IACP members is not complimentary or discounted for speakers. IACP will waive registration fees for non-member.

Q: How are workshop rooms set up? What audio-visual equipment will be available for my presentation?
A: All workshop rooms will be set theater style. A podium and head table is standard in each room for presenters. Audio/visual equipment will be provided in each room to include projector, screen, laptop, and microphone(s).

Any additional requests will be considered at the discretion of the Conference Program Manager and the availability of such resources.

Q: I have never presented at an IACP Conference before. What is expected of me?
A: IACP members invest a considerable amount of time and expense to attend the conference. For these reasons, IACP works hard to ensure each and every event at the conference realizes its full potential. Our members expect:

• Presenters will prepare for their event prior to arrival.
• Presenters have a significant knowledge and expertise of the subject area, and have sufficient presentation skills to effectively communicate such knowledge.
• Presenters will engage the audience.
• Presenters will not engage in commercial presentations of their organization.
• Presenters will be conscious of the time limitation of their presentation.
• Presenters will not simply read directly from written statements.
• Presenters understand that materials provided for an IACP event become the property of the IACP (for placement on www.theiacp.org, www.theiacpconference.org, or use in other educational activities of the association).

For a complete list of Frequently Asked Questions, visit the Call for Proposals website.